Sunday, June 12, 2011

Great New Haircutting Class In Newport Beach


Hey guys. First of all, I want to thank everyone for attending the last haircutting class in Newport Beach. Was a totally amazing success! 

And now I'm gonna tell you some more exciting news. Brand new class coming up at the beginning of August.  Only this isn't gonna be like the others. Gonna be a lot smaller. And more personalized. Check out what it's gonna have.

  • 20 students max so you get tons of attention
  • We'll be showing you totally new techniques that you can learn and use in seconds. 
  • You get a rad certificate to puff up your portfolio
To take this class, you need to have taken our hands on class already.
If you want totally personalized attention and learn a bunch of stuff you can use in seconds, you've gotta come to this smokin' workshop.

If you're down for this class, drop me a T bomb at 310.415.7397.  Don't miss it!
